Sunday, October 9, 2011

Let Us Be Part of the Solution

This video is from Serpent Libertine's youtube channel. It was written by Serpent Libertine, Megan Morgenson, and Ursula OrElse, then edited by Ben Furie.

The video features an array of sex workers and their advocates, speaking about the differences between sex workers, and victims of human trafficking. They are against trafficking, and could teach anti-trafficking people on the best ways to identify trafficked individuals, while respecting the labour rights of all.

"A sex worker is someone who engages in sexual labour in exchange for money or services, who chooses to perform, without coercion or duress.

A victim of sex trafficking is an individual who performs sexual labour under force or threats - to self or loved ones - who does not receive any of the benefits of the fruits of their labour, and are exploited in other ways.

Often the most marginalized in our society, are the ones most at risk for trafficking.

Most sex work does not involve trafficking. It involves consenting adults in consensual business exchanges. Conflation of consensual sex work with sex trafficking, is a disservice to both victims of sex trafficking, and to sex workers.

We as sex workers, allies and advocates are opposed to all forms of sex trafficking.

Many people fighting against sex trafficking, think all sex workers are victims of exploitation and abuse. This is a huge fallacy."

Contrary to the condescending words and actions of people who want to "save all prostitutes", many sex workers are adults who engage in consensual transactions with other adults. We have control over our own lives, and a sense of right and wrong. If we knew someone was in distress or under duress, we would do what we could to help. However, since the illegal status of our means of making a living opens the door for many to exploit or undermine us, many sex workers are afraid to speak upp or act out. This is unfortunate, because these people who are providing a service to members of the community, might occasionally encounter someone who is being forced into the sex trade. Without the threat of arrest or other abuses at the hands of the law, sex workers could be major players in the fight against human trafficking.
"If you are involved in anti-trafficking efforts, you can contact your local sex workers rights organization, and invite them to discuss trafficking issues and policy making.

If there are no sex worker rights organizations in your area, contact
Sex Workers Outreach Project USA, or the Sex Workers Project, to find out how you can include sex workers' input in the fight against trafficking.

Help us find safe avenues to report suspected trafficking, where the person reporting won't be subject to harrassment or arrest....

Sex workers WANT to stop trafficking. Let us be a part of the solution."

You can call Sex Workers Outreach Project at 1-877-776-2004, or visit their website at

You can call the Sex Workers Project at 1-646-602-5617, or visit their website at

In Hawaii, you can call Arresting Prostitutes is Legal Exploitation at 1-808-988-3493, to speak to the Reverend Pam Vessels, or 1-808-534-1846 to speak to Tracy Ryan, or visit their website at

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